
To truly excel Head Start leaders and teams have to juggle more multiple responsibilities than ever.  But all work and no play? No way! When staff and parents are dealing with overload, nurturing a good sense of team play is a vital survival skill. This training helps participants discover first-hand how effective teamwork blends IQ and EQ (Emotional Intelligence). By learning to pool their resources, and play to people’s strengths staff build their center’s collective ‘We-Q’ (Group Wisdom).

Core Themes:

  • The Paradox of Relaxed Concentration (and how it fuels both focus and flexibility)

  • How to pay attention in a way that pays the ultimate compliment

  • Good listening builds a well of good will (which waters the soil of cooperative effort) 

  • Knowing how to handle adversity with a sense of humor brings out people’s best in tough times, and fosters innovative problem solving. 


Participants get a delightful object lesson in how to get a grip on overload by literally juggling in slow motion (with colorful, lightweight nylon scarves). The circus art becomes both a medium, and a metaphor, for focused concentration and flexible coordination. Each of which are essential for the high level listening skills that characterized high trust teams.

Prime Objectives:

  1. Participants get a better handle on keeping problems in perspective, and experience its positive impact on team chemistry and morale.

  2. Attendees experience a greater sense of optimism- based on increased confidence that they can stay focused, stay flexible, and still have fun!.

  3. Heightened concentration, and more flexible coordination, energizes leaders and teams to tackle difficult challenges and come up with innovative solutions 


Learning the basics of juggling becomes an object lesson in paying close attention. Interactive, cooperative learning exercises let attendees experience first-hand how to give (and receive) feedback that fosters more insightful listening, and wiser choices. Diverse communication styles are recognized and honored. These are then tied into debriefs delineating workplace parallels, and shaping best practices for overcoming overload & overwhelm. It has an adaptable time frame, but is best suited to a half or full day training.

Key Outcomes: 

  • Facing challenges with humor energizes job performance, decreases burnout, and fosters a culture of excellence. 

  • Participants have a better handle on keeping problems in perspective, and experience its positive impact on team chemistry and morale.

  • Attendees exhibit a greater sense of optimism- based on increased confidence that they can stay focused, stay flexible, and still have fun! 


A good attitude is vital for good morale. Both of which strengthen staff’s ability to respond to problems with "Plan B's" that result in more creative solutions and more well educated children. Accentuating the positive fosters a can-do spirit that empowers people to recognize that difficulties can either obstruct or instruct. It’s our choice. We can constantly complain, or we can constructively reframe…. and have less stress, and more zest!

Take Away Value:

  1. Each attendee will leave with a handy reference guide: Tips for Getting a Grip on Overload and Overwhelm (includes several 20-30 second Refresh & Reframe techniques to recharge their energy and rejuvenate their outlook)

  2. Higher ‘We-Q’ elevates group resourcefulness, decreases individual burnout, and springboards a culture of excellence.

  3. Participants walk away inspired to use more laughter to reduce workplace stress, raise morale, and fuel increased teamwork

  4. Staff go back to work motivated to overcome obstacles by deepening their resiliency, pooling their resources, and playing to people's strengths.

Presenter Bio:  

Author, Motivational Humorist, (and Recovering Perfectionist!) Rob's fun,fast paced programs combine comedy and content with eye-catching juggling and balancing visuals. Rob is the C.E.A.- Creativity Energizing Agent, of Zestworks Speaking & Training. His company’s core mission is to make content come alive by linking lessons with laughter. True to the title of his new book IT'S A JUGGLE OUT THERE, Rob’s highly customized presentations focus on three things simultaneously: Stress management, Streamlining, & Simplifying.  
Rob is the recipient of the International Jugglers Associations’ “Excellence in Education” award. After graduating the U. of Pa. (Phi Beta Kappa) Rob has appeared on cable and network television programs such as Evening Magazine, and Amazing America. From Head Start to Harvard his expertise in “juggling” has helped thousands of multi-tasking women and men reduce burnout, regain a better life balance, and combine a sense of purpose- with a spirit of fun. 

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Zestworks: one of a kind Keynotes.

Rob Peck is a member of the
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