Topics: Stress Management, Life Balance, Humor in the Workplace
Using juggling as a metaphor for having to balance multiple responsibilities, Rob reveals 3 steps people can take to recharge and revitalize their powers of concentration. Throughout special attention is played on the role of humor to defuse stress, and spark more flexible thinking and innovative problem solving.
Take Away Value/ROI
Attendees gain fresh insights on coping with rapid change more resiliently and resourcefully
Clearer understanding of how good communication shifts mindsets- and rather than constantly complain, helps co-workers constructively reframe
Participants learn 3 quick and easy Relax & Recharge techniques that decrease burnout, absenteeism, and attrition.
Great job! The entertaining way you presented gave you a certain license to bring up issues in an enlightening way that aretypically much touchier to address. The content you shared about creative risk taking and the way you compared juggling to the rapid changes we're undergoing with expansion was a good fit for our group and made the visuals extremely timely… Both staff and board connected with the true life stories you shared and enjoyed your inspirational quotes and motivational messages.
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Rob Peck is a member of the
National Speakers Association
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