
When I was asked to be the Chair, you were one of the first people I knew I wanted at the Conference. Your ability to involve your audience, deliver a strong message with fresh content and a ton of energy, really made me look good. The upbeat way “Keeping All the Balls in the Air” integrated humorous IFPA antidotes into it made your presentation the perfect way to start our second day.

I overheard many that attended your program talking about the fun and unique way in which you approached the very serious topic of change in the workplace with such in depth and diverse strategies, uplifting stories, and inspirational aphorisms- like “Pits… are also seeds!”

Your stellar blend of style and substance really engaged everybody in a highly entertaining and thought provoking mixture of comedy and content that helped attendees both relax and recharge. Add to this the fact that you could so frequently illustrate your points with riveting juggling and balancing visuals, and it’s easy to see why they found your program so memorable.

Rob, it was a pleasure working with you. You made it easy for me. You were very conscientious about staying in contact with me, from the first time we spoke right through to your follow up call after the conference. Thank you again, I look forward to working with you in the future.

Barbara Perry
Independent Free Papers of America (IFPA) conference chair
Reminder Publications, VP of Sales and Marketing
413-525-3247 Xt 135,

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Zestworks: one of a kind Keynotes.

Rob Peck is a member of the
National Speakers Association

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