Dear Rob,

I wanted to thank you once again for being “the Great Entertainer”, and keeping our employees and Credit Union members in stitches at our Annual Meeting. In the words of my 2 year old grandson’s newest favorite phrase, “you’re a riot!” (Believe me, it sounds a lot cuter coming from him!)

From start to finish, you were so easy to work with. I have many hats to wear in my position, and didn’t know where to begin in planning the entertainment portion of our meeting. You put me at ease with your professionalism, making it easy to stay on task by meeting scheduled appointment times, and taking care of all of the details of stage, microphone, and light settings.

I found it particularly surprising that with just a short “comedy quiz”, wherein you asked a few questions of 3 employees, you were able to customize a presentation that was dedicated to the Credit Union industry, and specifically to Franklin First. From memory, you offered a creative and consistent use of empathic humor to break the ice, build rapport and forge a genuine connection with our audience.

Candid Camera said it better than I can – “it’s fun to laugh at yourself”. You certainly helped us to have fun, while learning how to cope with constant change, and “Keep All the Balls in the Air!”

Thank you so much for a wonderful evening Rob. Best wishes to you.
Martha Richardson, CEO

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Zestworks: one of a kind Keynotes.

Rob Peck is a member of the
National Speakers Association

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