Connecticut Association for Community Action
Attn: Rhonda Evans
144 Clinton Street
New Britain CT 06053
RE: Zestworks Presentation
I wanted to thank you again for providing the referral for New Opportunities, Inc. for Zestworks. The
presentation on Stress Management – Keeping All the Balls in the Air was extremely well received by our Supervisory
workgroup. Our group was impressed by the advanced preparation completed by Rob as he gained a thorough
understanding of our organization and the challenges that staff are facing as Managers of staff, programs, and
customers. His ability to incorporate agency specific humor into the presentation kept the audience engaged and
helped to build rapport with our group. The overall presentation left our group feeling both energized and uplifted. It
is the hope of NOI to continue to work with Rob on future presentations. I would recommend Zestworks for our other
Community Action partners and for future conferences and training events sponsored by CAFCA. Thanks again for your
support in making this connection.
William Rybczyk
Director – Research, Development, and Planning, New Opportunities, Inc.
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Rob Peck is a member of the
National Speakers Association
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