Nelson & Small Inc.
To Whom It May Concern:
At our recent Annual Awards Meeting, we did something that we have done on very few occasions in the past – we hired someone from the outside to provide much of the motivation and inspiration to our staff.
Fortunately, we chose Rob Peck to get the job done and he came through with flying colors (pun intended). Rob provided a half hour or so of solid and pertinent information, motivation, and entertainment. He spent a great deal of time in preparing and customizing his presentation to fit our group, and everyone was truly delighted by how relevant his material was. It would have been enough that Rob is a truly masterful juggler, but his visual associations were amazing, and his humor outstanding.
You could hear a pin drop throughout his time on stage, and the 75 individuals in the audience paid attention to every move and every word, and yearned for more.
He provided a terrific springboard for us to jump into our own theme for the year ahead, and for our meeting’s agenda. I would highly recommend utilizing Rob to anyone who is looking for something a little unique, but at the same time wants to make a powerful and relevant statement in a humorous and entertaining setting.
Please feel free to contact me for further reference.
Very truly yours,
David L. Small, Chief Operating Officer/Treasurer,
Nelson & Small Inc.
207 775-5666
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Rob Peck is a member of the
National Speakers Association
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